Join Bangladesh Air force | How To Pay By Teletalk

যেভাবে টেলিটকের মাধ্যমে বাংলাদেশ বিমান বাহীনিতে চাকুরীর আবেদন ফি জমা দেয়া হয়।

Confirmation of Application
Thank You : Ashik Ikbal
Your Application Has Been Submitted Successfully

Please follow the steps below for receiving confirmation letter.

1. Go to SMS option of any Teletalk mobile and write the following Msg.
BAF < space > INVOICE NO < space > COURSE ID
2. Send SMS to 16222
Reply: Applicant's Name, Tk xxx will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is(6 digit number) 345678. To pay fee, type: BAF < Space > Yes < Space > PIN and send to 16222
BAF < space > YES < space > PIN
3. Taka Taka 300/= for officer, 75/= for airman and 50=/ for MODC has been charged from your mobile balance.
4. You will receive an activation number in return SMS.
Reply: Congrats ! Applicant's Name, payment completed successfully for BAF application. User ID is (xxxxxx) and Password (xxxxxx). If password lost, please type BAF HELP SC Board SSC RollSSC Year and Send to 16222.
5. Come back to the   and login at home page using your invoice number as user id and activation code as password.
6. Enter the activation number at the required field.
7. A confirmation letter with interview date and place will be issued.
8. Take a print out and join the preliminary/interview selection board/center.
